Saturday, July 5, 2008

And So They Went

Who travels for love finds a thousand miles not longer than one.~ Japanese Proverb
Kiki and Amir left for Israel on Thursday night. This is Kiki's 5th trip to Israel in her short 3 1/2 years on this earth.

She was SOOOO excited to go and be with her family as you will see in the video.

By now she is a complete pro at traveling, and Amir has the perfect system for getting her to sleep and entertain herself on the plane. He said she was an angel, slept a good 7 of the 11 hours on the plane, and was thrilled to see her grandparents (as they were to see her) at the airport.
I'll post pictures of their adventures as I get them from Amir...
I miss them terribly, but it's wonderful that they are getting to spend some time with the family! I'm so proud of them both, and wish I could be there to share in all the fun.

1 comment:

OhCaptain said...

Glad to hear they made it safely!

The video was really cute.